Public Library; Open Source Templates

The aim of EASY is to help startup operators - founders, investors - on the startup journey. The Public Library is set-up to help founders, by taking away some of the procedural burden on their journey. We will draft the top 10 most commonly used legal contracts for Kenya and Tanzania, including; shareholder agreements, NDAs, MoU, employment contract, management agreements, hold-co structures. Especially important is also the Employee Stock Option Plan. For founders to have their critical staff participate in the company and - upon exit - share in the economic success of the company. We have studied several options and aim to provide the legal templates for this to founders for them to leverage this tool in engaging, retaining & rewarding talent to the startup ecosystem.

  • TES - Data Room Template

    When raising capital for your startup, investors will typically ask for a Data Room. The Data Room Template can be accessed with the passcode: TES.Grow


    TES - Data Room Template


    The function of the Data Room is to share the relevant with potential investors. A data room is an easy way to impress investors. Ensure the content and presentation is structured, is complete, is enticing to walkthrough and contains high quality data. Do not share any proprietary code or trade secrets about the product.


    You can use online respositories such as Google Drive, Docsend.

    We highly recommend Notion. Have a look at this Data Room Template on Notion.


    The data room is generally shared in one or two stages; high-level to create term-sheet and detailed for Detailed Due Diligence. We prefer the data room to be shared in one stage. Then it is shared in the following stage in the process:

    1) Informal Meeting with Feedback

    2) First Pitch, with Go/No Go

    3) Data Room Shared

    4) Term Sheet, with Go/No Go

    5) Detailed Due Diligence, with Go/No Go

    6) Deal

    Finally, we found this blog on the process quite useful and this document on the terminology

    • Typical outcomes

      • Hans
    • Typical methods and tools

      • Data Room Development
    • Team

      • Hans